0 to 2
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Your baby will feel loved and cherished as experienced, nurturing and personable ladies talk, sing, cuddle and share love with them throughout the day.
Their daily routine will include tummy time, sensory activities, music, stories and outdoor time
Feeding and sleeping will be on your baby's schedule. We will feed your baby from the premeasured bottles that you provide. We are happy to accommodate nursing mothers who send breast milk and/or feed onsite.
You will receive a daily report of your baby's diapering and feeding information.
For Ages
3 to 4
click here for more

Toddlers and Twos grow, learn and mature as the teachers present developmentally appropriate lessons that include learning colors, counting and ABC's.
Our space is set up to provide opportunity for both organized group interactions and individual free play while learning to share, cooperate and communicate. Arts and crafts are provided to encourage creativity and productivity. Teachable moments promote self-esteem, confidence and emotional control rooted in the timeless importance of family and friends.
A typical morning includes about 20 minutes of teacher-led circle time, 45 minutes of outdoor time and 45 minutes of free play. We serve breakfast at 8:00AM, lunch at 11:00AM and nap from 12-2:00PM. Afternoons also include indoor learning activities, outdoor exploration and a lite supper.
Kidz Day App is used for daily reporting. Upon request you can receive a daily report of your child's diapering and eating information.
We coordinate with you to potty train your two your old.
For Ages
4 to 5
click here for more

3k, 4k and 5k are structured academic programs designed to spark you child's intellectual growth and development. These are the years to learn social and emotional skills that research tells us affect a person for the rest of their life.
Writing, math and reading skills taught in 3k, 4k and 5k will prepare your child for their years of formal education. In addition we focus daily on social learning, character development and emotional regulations skills to foster self confidence, a desire to learn, and the ability to self-govern.
Character building will be taught through exciting stories of historical heroes
and songs that inspire children to love and care for one another.
A typical day in 3k, 4k and 5k includes the academics mentioned above as well as outdoor play and free play time in learning centers designed to promote problem solving, exploring, wondering, sorting, managing, communicating and thinking.
Kindergarten is officially over at 2:30PM but extended care options are available.
For Ages
5 to 12
Click here for more

School age children love to come to Maximum Elementary @ LifeSpring
because of our fun activities, frequent move-about breaks, self-paced
curriculum and caring teachers. Parents love us because there’s hardly ever
homework and that we enhance their educational experience through hands-
on activities that reinforce what the children learn in their PACES.
Inspirational and patriotic chapel gets every school day off to a great start. A
positive atmosphere continues throughout the day as children feel safe, loved
and teachers provide routine, structure and encouragement to do their best.
We partner with Maximum Child to provide public school pick up at 2:00PM
from Boiling Springs, Sugar Ridge and Oakland Elementary.
After-school programming offers hand-on activities, fun songs and games that are always age appropriate.
The afterschool program is at the Maximum Elementary @ LifeSpring facility
which is located at 1641 Old Furnace Rd. Boiling Springs SC.
Closing time is 5:30pm.